Finn Wiersig

Finn Wiersig

Since October 2020, I am a DPhil Mathematics student at Oxford University. As a member of the Algebra group, I am supervised by Prof. Konstantin Ardakov and Prof. Kobi Kremnitzer.

The best way to reach me is via my email address firstname dot lastname at You can also use the contact form on my profile at the website of the mathematical institute.

I am on the job market this year. Here is my CV.


I am interested in p-adic geometric representation theory and p-adic Hodge theory.

In my bachelor thesis, I carried out some research in combinatorial commutative algebra.

Publications and preprints


Other writings


Zachary Feng, James Taylor, and I are organising a study group on Colmez' Montreal functor this term. More information is available here.


Hilary 2022
James Taylor, Arun Soor, and I organised a reading group on Rapoport-Zink spaces.
Michaelmas 2022
James Taylor, Arun Soor, and I organised a reading group on the (schematic) Fargues Fontaine curve.
Hilary 2022
James Taylor and I organised a reading group on p-adic Hodge Theory.
Rhiannon Savage, Jay Swar, and I organised a reading group on derived analytic geometry.


I am a Stipendary Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at St Peter's College during the whole academic year 2023-2024.


Trinity 2023
I was a Stipendary Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at St Peter's College, teaching A0 Linear Algebra, A3 Rings and Modules, A5 Topology, and ASO Number Theory. I was also doing Revision Classes for B3.4 Algebraic Number Theory at the Mathematical Institute at Oxford.
Hilary 2023
Tutor for B3.4 Algebraic Number Theory.
Michaelmas 2022
Tutor for C2.1 Lie algebras.
Trinity 2022
Tutor for the Sarah Lawrence Programme at Wadham college, teaching multivariable calculus.
Hilary 2022
Tutor for C2.6 Introduction to Schemes.
Michaelmas 2021
Tutor for C2.7 Category Theory.
Hilary 2021
Teaching Assistant for C2.5 Non-Commutative Rings.
Michaelmas 2020
Teaching Assistant for B2.1 Introduction to Representation Theory.

Curriculum vitae

Available here, updated on the 21th of November 2023.


In order to cut down our CO2 emmisions, Arun Soor, James Taylor, James Timmins, and I traveled to a conference in Stockholm by train, rather than to fly. You can read more about our journey here.